The Page of The Wonkmistress

Home Page

Welcome to my page, fellow web traveler.

This is a website dedicated to my artworks and Twine games. I have been trying to find a good website to share my portfolio and twine games, but they kept coming up short.

I was always fascinated by the old Internet, so I want to be able to express myself the only way I knew how. With social media becoming more doomscroller-ly, I hope to find a more stable and welcoming environment.

I have now popluated the website with some artworks and games, but things are still going to be jank for a while.


August 17, 2024

Added a new theme: Courier Aero Noir. Currently trying to create a mobile friendly version of the site. Hamburger menus are very frustrating to code!

August 16, 2024

The site now has two new themes: PrettyPony and IceBox. It was very challenging getting them to work without breaking the website.

August 14, 2024

Populated the art and about me pages with content.

August 13, 2024

Gave this website a new design overhaul towards a more rounded skeumorphic look

August 12, 2024

Added a new Twine game called Artist Character Creation Lab

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